SLX Password Expiry Alerts
Password expiry alerts are generated in advance of the expiration date, based on certain
predefined days. There are different levels of alerts, such as info level days, minor
level days, and major level days.
The following are the SLX password expiry alerts:
- PasswordExpiryThresholdAlert: It is raised when the password expiry date has
reached a certain threshold, such as 90 days, 60 days, or 30 days. These expiry days
can be set using a configuration command.
- PasswordExpiredAlert: It is generated on the day when a user's password has
expired, and is generated every day until the password is renewed.
- PasswordExpiryClearAlert: It is raised when the user has successfully renewed
their password.
For more details on SLX password expiry alerts, see the "Password Expiry Alerts
Inventory" table in the Inventory of Alerts topic.